Flight Insurance

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Possible reasons could be:

  • Flight insurance plans are available for trips up to 180 days.
  • Flight insurance is not available in some US states.

*If entries are correct, please call us as we may still be able to arrange a plan for you. You can also explore Trip Insurance to see if one of those plans can work for you.

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Flight Accident Insurance Buying Tips

  • Some flight accident insurance plans provide additional coverage for emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, loss of checked luggage, and other travel related benefits too.
  • Before you depart on your flight, make sure to inform your beneficiary of your flight insurance purchase and provide them with the paperwork that you receive by mail or email.
  • Flight insurance is the simplest type of travel insurance that you can purchase.
  • Flight insurance covers accidental death in flight or dismemberment (loss of limbs or sight).
  • All applicants must be U.S. residents in order to qualify for flight insurance.
  • Flight insurance coverage may be available for up to 90 days, 180 days or more.

Flight Insurance

Flight insurance is primarily flight accident insurance. While traveling by scheduled airline flight, if the person dies or becomes dismembered, flight insurance will provide benefits. Some flight insurance plans may have additional benefits.

What does Flight insurance include?

Flight insurance is the simplest form of life insurance. Coverage is for the death or dismemberment of the insured person if there is an accident while they are riding on a regularly scheduled flight. In the event of death or dismemberment, the insurance company will pay a death or dismemberment benefit according to the policy maximum amount.

Some flight insurance plans also provide additional benefits, such as loss of checked luggage, baggage delay, emergency medical evacuation, and repatriation of remains benefits.

In any case, it is not a substitute for comprehensive travel insurance.

You should not have to worry about taking care of your family in case of a flight accident.

Don't take chances without flight insurance, get free quotes today!

Frequently Asked Questions about Flight Insurance

  • What does the flight insurance cover?

    Flight insurance primarily covers accidental death or dismemberment while traveling on a common carrier such as an airline. Some flight accident insurance plans can also cover emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, lost luggage, and other benefits which will vary by plan.

  • What is the average cost of flight insurance?

    The average cost of flight insurance will vary depending on the coverage you select and the length of your trip, as many flight insurance plans can provide coverage up to 90 or 180 days. Enter your information in the quote form above to get instant pricing and compare plans.

  • Can you get just flight insurance?

    Yes, you can certainly get just flight insurance. To purchase flight insurance coverage, enter your information into the quote form, get instant quotes for various flight life insurance plans, and purchase online in minutes. Coverage can begin on any day you choose.

Travel Insurance Coverage Options

Depending on what is most important for you to have covered, there may be a plan better tailored to your needs:

Trip Cancellation Insurance

When you book your trip in advance and can't go on your trip because of sickness or injury due to covered reasons, trip cancellation insurance can reimburse you for the prepaid, nonrefundable costs. Travel insurance plans package additional coverage together to provide for emergency medical expenses, trip interruption, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, accidental death, and more.

Travel Medical Insurance

If you are traveling outside your home country and are not worried about trip costs, you should consider purchasing travel medical insurance. Travel Medical Insurance has many features included in travel insurance, except trip cancellation coverage. Moreover, you can choose the medical policy maximum, deductible, and coinsurance that is right for you. Travel medical insurance plans are also very suitable for any trip duration, including any trip over 30 days.

Annual Multi Trip Insurance

If you travel internationally throughout the year, instead of purchasing separate travel insurance for every trip, you can purchase annual multi trip travel insurance. Multi trip insurance is for frequent travelers and is especially helpful for busy executives who generally do not have time to deal with insurance for every trip, especially when they are flying on short notice.

Insurance Guide

Our insurance guide makes it very easy to navigate the complexities of flight accident insurance.

Did you know?

Prices are regulated by law.

You cannot find a lower price anywhere for the same product.

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